Famous Ships in the Movie

Since the film was shot in New Jersey next to the Holland America pier several famous ships appear. I spotted the Maasdam (1952), the New Amsterdam and the most famous of all, the Andrea Doria (which will be lost about two years later) makes a cameo! I will have to watch it again to see if I can identify others. Post if you spot others.


Since you seem to know your ships, what is the cargo ship in the beginning of the movie when the men are shaping up? I see the words MOHAMED ALI EL-----, can't make out the last part after EL. Thanks for any help.


I can't make it out either. But... MOHAMED ALI? And Terry is a prize fighter wannabe? Mohamed Ali was 12 years old in 1954, when this film was made, and had just been "discovered."

Is this yet another bizarre instance of movies and TV "predicting" future events?


Your right. I never linked the boxing connection.


What was the significance of Kazan inserting that shot of the Andrea Doria into that scene when Terry finds all his pigeons dead? Whatever, it's kind of prescient in hindsight that he did it.


Prescient hindsight?

Muhammed Ali?

This is the craziest thread I've ever come across.


What does that mean." prescient in hindsight" I watched the movie many times. It is my favorite movie. But I don't know what the signifigance the Andrea Doria has. I remember when I lived down in Brooklyn ,Not too far from the Brooklyn docks. They towed the MS Stockholm into New York West side piers,W 44 Street after a collison with Andrea Doria. which was 1956.The Andrea Doria sank with 56 people dead or missing.Anyway growing up in New York I remember these characters they called them ,Longshoreman heading to the Bars after work.


Part of the reason the wreck of the Andrea Doria is so famous is because the ship itself was famous. It was well-known as part of Italy's attempt at economic recovery after WWII. It was also a big, sleek boat for the time.

So there's very likely no coincidence here or ability to see into the future by Kazan. It was just an impressive boat to show against the backdrop of the NY skyline. It's a really great, timeless shot of 1950s NYC and the Hudson.


His name then was Cassius Clay.

let's go and say a prayer for a boy who couldn't run as fast as I could


very cool thread.


