More and more people, including a lot of Tea Party members, are realizing that capitalism-- particularly the Wall-Street-driven corporate variety that has created a new class of super-rich and is wiping out the middle class, a group that includes most of us who use this website-- is also a "barren doctrine of the past".
The so-called "union dictators", what's left of them, can't hold a candle to the wealth and power of the CEOs, bank executives, and interlocking boards of directors that really run things. In the 1920s American auto companies hired goons to MURDER auto workers who pushed for decent wages and working conditions. The unions arose because people realized the corporate heads were the real "dictators" who had millions of people under their thumb, and something HAD to be done to give the ordinary person a chance against their power. Decades of corporate-funded union-busting and politician-buying have helped bring back the feeling that the robber barons rule and all we can do is bend over for them. But of course most right-wingers will never, never, NEVER talk about that, even when they and their families are suffering from it, because the 'free' market is an untouchable article of (blind) faith.
Corporate capitalism has gone out of control, abandoning any sense of moral and social responsibility, and we see the destruction all around us. Feel any responsibility for pay your employees a livable wage and providing some job security? Protect the environment? Try to schedule your workers so they and their spouses have a chance of ever seeing each other, let alone their children, thus helping to preserve the supposedly crucial institution known as the family? Forget it! NOTHING matters except the Supreme Sacred Goal That Cannot Be Challenged: the maximizing of profits to ensure "maximum shareholder value". If that means laying off thousands of employees even when the company is doing very well and the executives are getting huge bonuses, because that will make a big temporary spike on the next profit-and-loss statement and make those executives even richer at the expense of the rest of us... well, tough! The big boys have to take care of themselves by making a pile of cash before the next economic crash that THEY have helped create. The rest of us can go suck an egg. And we do.
But, again, most self-described 'conservatives' will never, never, NEVER talk about that, even though many of them are among the biggest victims of that obsessive, destructive system.
It is a house of cards. It will not last. It will destroy itself. (That has already started.) But it will take all of us down with it.