MovieChat Forums > It Should Happen to You Discussion > The Real Gladys Clover erg.. Glover

The Real Gladys Clover erg.. Glover

Hi guys, does anyone know who the woman in Hollywood is that has hired a billboard for years with her name on it?



Dearie Dot Dot Dotdo Dearie Dot, Dearie Dot Dot Dotdo Dearie dot Doo!


Oh yes, I forgot all about her and her stupid billboards. I wonder if she got the idea from this movie?


In my opinion, Hollywood is full of "Gladys Glovers", people famous and you can't quite figure out why - Jessica Simpson comes to mind. She's been coming up with the stupidest reasons to be in the news lately. And her sister became famous for being her sister. And all the "reality" show "stars". Jon and Kate Goselin? If I lived next door to people like that, I think I'd move! They're famous just for being famous, pretty worthless as examples of dignity or contributing to humanity.


I notice this post is from 2009, and today is 4/15/11. I was thinking exactly the same thing!! Self promotion all over the place. Garson Kanin was a man way ahead of his time.
