Coming to DVD in 2010

Columbia Pictures Film Noir Classics II will have five films all new to DVD -

Human Desire
The Brothers Rico
City of Fear
and Pushover.

Human Desire replaces the previously announced re-release of "In a Lonely Place" for the set.

A hard release date has not been officially announced.


Any evidence? Links? Mentions in articles? Please provide citations for your assertion.


The release is official, as cited above by the OP. Street date for the set is July 6, 2010. SRP $59.99.


I really hope that is true!!! I want to see this movie and I cant without a DVD ...


Relax. It's true and official. Of course, studios can change their minds. Columbia did delay this set from its initially scheduled release last November 3. But then, it wasn't originally supposed to include HD, either.


I guess producing a DVD has some overhead expense? I'm always confounded when a movie hasn't been DVD-ified... I've encountered this problem three times in as many months.



I watched it through Netflix. NOT STREAMED.

Poets are made by fools like me, but only God can make STD.
