MovieChat Forums > Gojira (2004) Discussion > In the year 5000...

In the year 5000...

How many Godzilla movies do you think will be made from now up until the year 5000, and how much do you think special effects in movies has changed by then? and what do you hardcore G fans think about, knowing Godzilla is going to out live us all and in distant future after everybody on the planet now is long gone, these films will still be appreciated and more movies would be made in the series we will never get to see..




Good question. Maybe like 500.

Kentoc'h mervel eget bezañ saotret


No, it's a completely stupid question.

I doubt Godzilla will outlive the 21st century and certainly won't be around 3000 years from now. (The human race may not be here in the year 5000, which would pretty much take care of the Godzilla franchise.) Time will change everything. You're talking about an era as far ahead of us as we are from the year 1000 BC.

Every movie ever made will outlive its present fans, not to mention the billions they've already outlived. Godzilla isn't the least bit unique in this respect. But eventually most if not all of the films we have today will be lost or forgotten as the millennia move on. Civilization will be so different 3000 years from now that we can't even imagine it with any accuracy, any more than the citizens of an ancient Greek city state in 1000 BC could possibly imagine the world of 2014. Mention Godzilla to someone in 5000 and you'll get a blank stare in response, except of course there'll be no one around who could even mention Godzilla.

Yes, what we call special effects will be completely different, as will every other facet of what we would term film making. The very concept will have evolved into something else. So what? Another, even dumber, question.

As for knowing Godzilla will survive all of us, I couldn't care less, even if he's still known and movies are being made about him in 5000. I'm not going to know who'll be elected President of the United States in 2060. (Hell, maybe not even in 2016!) This sort of thing has happened to every living thing that ever existed on Earth. One generation dies off and another takes its place, over and over, and no one ever sees what happens after they die. It's called "life". Get over it.

Besides, I'm quite happy with Gojira (1954) just by itself, and glad I lived to see it.


By the year 5000 there will have been 500 "Reboots" of the Godzilla, Spiderman and Batman franchises retelling the same "origin" story over and over! :D

(I'm just going at the silly pace of "rebooting" we've been getting with other franchises in the last decade alone!)


That's only 1 Godzilla movie per decade. Heck, we have more reruns of I Love Lucy than that already!

My principle worry is how many Godzillas there will be in the year 2525, if man is still alive, and providing woman has survived till then, which was not at all clear at the end of Gojira.

Me, I want to see a reimagining of Mechagodzilla. A reboot of the robot. Using Reeboks, re the boots replaced in the revamp.

Ree-diculous. I'd ask Syngman Rhee, but he's a fan of Yon-ga-ry. Whee!


There can be more films in a decade, I'm just thinking of a new "reboot" every decade like we've seen already with other franchises that feel a need to tell the same origin story again and again when there shouldn't be a need to.

Speaking of Rhee, ever hear the joke about how Syngman Rhee went to work for LIFE magazine and a woman who kept missing repeated appointments with him finally felt so excited when she finally was able to meet him so she said, "Ah, sweet Mister Rhee of LIFE at last I've found you!" :D


I not only hate reboots, I hate the word. Clichéd and hackneyed by now...much like such films.

Moving on from that renowned vocalist Syngman, have you ever seen North Korea's answer to Godzilla? Pulgasari, star of the movie of the same name, one of Kim Jong-il's pet projects for the South Korean director he had kidnapped in the late 70s to make NK cinema the envy of the DMZ. Pulgi is actually rather cute. He eats sewing needles and stuff. He's no Yongary (with one or two G's), and definitely not a threat (or, considering the fact he eats needles, thread) to Godzilla, but he has his moments. I understand Kim intended to kidnap Raymond Burr to appear in it but had to settle for Myron Healey instead.


There will never be a year 5000. The republican party is going to destroy this country within 20 years from climate change
