Not a major plot point but when the bimbo and Caswell are at the Stork Club the waiter asks if they'd like to start with "Cherry Stones". The Bimbo asks for "two orders". I was intrigued and looked it up but cannot locate any information on this strange sounding dish. Any info out there?
Another cryptic reference (to me anyway) came at the beginning of the film when Caswell and Stiegel are discussing Bullard and Caswell says that Bullard didn't come all the way to New York just to sample the steamed fin haddie in our dining room. I've never heard of it and after googling, discovered it is some sort of smoked haddock in a cream sauce. I'm wondering if that was a popular gourmet dish back in the 50's because I've never come across it before.
I think it's 'finnan haddie' but I had never heard it mentioned in a film before. Thanks to you, now I know what it is. I knew it was food of some sort!