I don't think work shifts for base service personnel could be designed around flight plans. Don't forget that they had the entire bases' needs to handle, not just the flight crews (administration, medical people, etc.). As well, Scampton had more than one squadron situated there. So, they couldn't shut down base services based on what one squadron did.
Most people working on the base knew that they had to keep their mouths shut about goings on at a bomber base. 617 Squadron had been causing rumours for weeks, since they'd been doing nothing but training, with special night-training gear. As many of the crews were highly-experienced, this caused even more rumblings. But, mail was censored and phones were monitored -as far back as late March. So, there was little chance of slips in security on that end.
There's a humorous story, related in the book, that security was so tight, that after word of the raids' success reached England, Air Chief Marshall Harris attempted to call Washington DC to tell the head of the RAF, Charles Portal, who was there on a conference with USAAF officers. Harris rang the base operator, identified himself as CiC of Bomber Command and asked for a line to Washington DC. The operator, who had been fielding calls for the last week, of a New Zealand member of 617 Squadron who felt homesick after a few drinks and had an urge to call home. The operator had perfected her way to handle the situation. She gently and politely said the lines to New Zealand were down, so he should call his batman (orderly) who would "give him a course to steer" to his bed. He would always thank her politely and do as she suggested. Now, the operator figured it was the same man, just trying a different tactic. Security was so good, she had no idea that Harris himself was on the line. She gently suggested that he'd been drinking again, so he should get his batman to steer him to bed. Supposedly there was an explosion in the Operations Room then. Some brave officers placated an angry Harris while an intelligence operator ran down to the switchboard room, where he told the surprised operator that the caller really was Harris and that she should -for the sake of everyone- try to get through to Washington ASAP.