MovieChat Forums > Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954) Discussion > Which DVD to get? Legacy Collection or C...

Which DVD to get? Legacy Collection or Classic Monster Collection?

Any difference in quality or features between the Legacy 2 disk set and the previously released Classic Monster Collection that Universal put out? I have the Legacy collection but recently saw the older DVD CFBL Classic Monster Collection for sale and was wondering if I am missing anything by not having that one too.

Any tips, input or advice you can provide would be a big help.



I haven't seen the Classic Monster Collection version, but can tell you that the Legacy set includes not just the first Creature movie, but both of the sequels as well.


You don't get the sequels with Universal's Classic Monster Collection, but if you go for the whole boxset you get a whole load of Frankenstein, Dracula and The Wolf Man movies plus some nifty collectable busts of the beasties. If you're a fan of that kind of schlock horror then it's a nice package, but I can't comment on the Legacy disc set I'm afraid.

"don't think...feeeeel"


I would wait for a blu-ray release. ;)

Bimbo Boy


^When the blu-ray comes out will they re-release the original dvd like they've done the other universal classic films???

I betta find your Lovin'. I betta find your heart (Drake)


I watched this on vhs yesterday. It was awesome. and quality was great.

Happiness is a warm gun...Lennon/McCartney
We're all gonna be just dirt in the ground....Tom Waits


Classic Monster Collection

Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum-If You Want Peace, Prepare For War


The "Classic Monster Collection" Single-issue DVD of CREATURE is the same one included in the 2-disc LEGACY collection. Yeah, they got me to upgrade - it was the only way to get the sequels on DVD (and each of those has an audio-commentary as well).

"In my case, self-absorption is completely justified."
