MovieChat Forums > Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954) Discussion > Anyone know what movie this one reminds ...

Anyone know what movie this one reminds me of?

When I was little, my parents made me watch a movie with something that looked exactly like the gill-man in Creature From the Black Lagoon. All I remember is that he was in a lake and it turned out to be just some guy dressed like the monster, not an actual monster.

I wish I could remember more because I'm trying to find out what movie it was (My parents don't remember anymore either.) Maybe someone on here, though, will know what I'm talking about...


Creature from the Haunted Sea?


Curucu, Beast of the Amazon (1956), although there's no resemblance to "Creature"



There's also a Gill Man-like sea monster who turns out to be a phony in BEACH GIRLS AND THE MONSTER.


I've wanted to ask this same question for a long time.
The guy in the monster suit was killed in a car wreck at the end, right? I think it was one of the main character's father.
I saw it on tv a couple of times when I was little.
Title? No clue, but I'd love to see it again.


To reiterate what Tipster said, you're definitely thinking of Beach Girls and the Monster (known on U.S. TV as Monster from the Surf). It's available on DVD under the Beach Girls title.
