The film title was the same as the Broadway play and although Mrs. Elgin reveals little about herself except to say that she is "just a girl from the country..." you know that she has a degree of breeding which is revealed by Crosby's character, Frank. She is the centerpiece of the picture. Her devotion to her husband has been tested yet she has remained with him while his career essentially diminshed. It should be pointed out that the Elgin character reveals that he knew his career was on the skids, he had grown older, his opportunities to perform had seemed to become fewer and fewer and so he turned to the bottle. Kelly did win the oscar for best actress and perhaps had Judy Garland not generated so much ill will in the community she might have won for "A Star Is Born". Crosby's performace was unlike any other he had attempted and this was his third nomination. He lost to Brando's performance in "On The Waterfront".