Good film...

Bing Crosby is very good in this film. Was it perhaps the lovely and talented Grace Kelly playing opposite him, along with supporting actor William Holden, that inspired this performance. I knew Bing could croon, but always concidered him more of a personality than an actor.

Thanks again to TCM for bringing this into my living room. They just don't make them like they use to.


I would like to second that. I turned on TCM while flipping through my Dial this morning Feb 22, Thanks to a bad case of Insomina and was transfixed by Bing, Grace, and Bill. Now this film will go to the top of my Favorite List.

Q: How does Soylent Soda taste?
A: It varies from person to person.


You do know that this wasn't Bing's only movie with Grace? They were also together in HIGH SOCIETY which was of course a bit more typical movie for Bing.

Life, every now and then, behaves as though it had seen too many bad movies


Grace, Bing, and William were all incredibly good in this.
