Running over the tow-line; Why so serious?
So the first obvious chink in the armor of the Captain is the incident during the drill where he insisted on reprimanding the enlisted man, while ignoring the officer's warning that the vessel was circling and likely to run over the tow-line. The tow-line is severed, and the target drifts away. All on board seem to believe this is a serious infraction, and they even suggest that it could end the captain's tenure on the Caine. The vessel is even called back to port so that an inquest of some sort can be conducted.
I understand that the incident reveals some generally negative traits about the captain-- lack of priorities, poor judgment during a drill, inability to accept advice from inferior officers, etc. But beyond that, is there something else about running over a tow cable that presents a real danger to the crew. For example, could the line get caught in the vessel's propeller or some other part of its mechanical system, could it cause the object being towed to collide with the vessel, or could the cable snap and come back at crew members on the deck? If not, its seems like a rather silly reason to potentially remove a captain from his command, after all training exercises are held so that mistakes are made when lives are not at stake, and not when it counts, even for a Captain.