May was pregnant
Though never mentioned in the film due to the censorship rules in place at that time it was implied that Wille got May pregnant. It was also not shown that May and Willie shared a room at Yellowstone. They could have had different rooms but one wouldn't know. This is no different than From Here To Eternity where they never say what the place Donna Reed/Lorene
actually is. It wasn't a place just get drinks and conversation with women. I find it amusing the morals in the early fifties that Hollywood portrayed. It's not like the movie viewing public would be shocked if they spelled things out. In the movie Hitchcock with Anthony Hopkins they showed the problem Alfred had with censorship not even being able to show a flushing toilet and that was in 1960. How was Howard Hughes able to show Jane Russell with large breasts in The Outlaw in 1943. Jane Russell was certainly more shocking than a woman who was pregnant out of wedlock who would eventually marry the father.