Did John Milius rip this film off?
I just saw the film for the first time last week, and it seemed to me that several scenes were imitated by John Milius when he made his movie "Conan the Barbarian" in the late 70s. I don't know if anyone else has ever noticed these before because I might be the only person who's seen "Conan" enough times and also seen "Ugetsu". Anyway, there is a scene in "Conan" with the actor Mako killing someone with his spear and it is very similar to the same type of scene in "Ugetsu", right down to the same line of dialog (barring translation confusion) "I killed him with my spear" (said in a tone of amazed satisfaction in both films).
Then in the same part of "Conan" there is a scene where Mako paints runic symbols all over Conan's body to ward off the evil spirits who have come to claim his soul. This was obviously very similar to the scene near the end of "Ugetsu" though it was handled totally differently. I know the "film geek" generation in the 70s liked their Japanese classics and it would actually surprise me if these similarities were coincidental or if there weren't possibly even more similarities that I didn't notice because it was only the first time I've seen "Ugetsu".
Did I not love him, Cooch? MY OWN FLESH I DIDN'T LOVE BETTER!!! But he had to say 'Nooooooooo'