After how many minutes of film does the ship hit the iceberg????
shareI can remember exactly. The entire movie is 97 minutes. I would say that the sinking is at least with last 30 to 45 minutes of the film.
Hope this helps.
I'm watching a tape of the movie right now, and the Titanic crashes into the 'berg at 1:08:11. Although, just a friendly warning -- don't watch this movie if you know much about the actual Titanic disaster. The last half hour of the movie will make you want to cry. If you're a fan of '50's movies, go ahead and see it, it's not bad if you ignore the filmmaker's ignorance of the actual disaster.
shareAs a long-time Titanic buff, I don't usually carp st the errors in these movies. I judge them more along the lines of "How true does it feel? Do the people look and sound like they're really living in 1912?".
By that standard, in my opinion, this version ranks only sightly below "A Night To remember" (the best titanic film of the all) and well above the James Cameron version. Cameron (and his CGI team) made a tecnically more perfect recreation of the ship and its sinking, but it's ruined by the deadful script and terrible performances. I never cared for one moment about Jack, Rose and the rest of them.
But Clifton Webb and Barbara Stanwyck gave such luminous performances with such sensitively written dialogue that one almost believes that they are real people living out their lives for us. I don't tend to think of this film as the story of the Titanic. I think of it as the story of Richard and Julia Sturgis.
Couldn't agree more. Cameron's effort had no emotional draw at all for me.
Night to Remember every time.
"I was playing the RIGHT notes...just not necessarily in the right order"