MovieChat Forums > Roman Holiday (1953) Discussion > What was the Italian maid saying to Anya...

What was the Italian maid saying to Anya?

Anybody speak Italian care to tell us what she was yelling at Anya when she was in the shower? I have an idea what it might have been, but it'd be nice to know just exactly what she said!

Build me a bridge and GET OVER IT!


I know the last thing she calls her is "shameful" (vergogna) because it's one of the very few words I know in Italian.


"Well... what are you doing?"
"Sorry? (...) Out, now! A nice life, eh? Comfortable, eh? I know, what a nice life, but if I were your mother I'd give you a few (?) slaps (...)! Understand?"

I am confused. Why does Ross, the largest 'Friend' not simply eat the others?


That seems a little out of was a privately rented apartment...who is she to burst in on people bathing and kick them out? She doesn't know their life. I wish they would have subtitled the movie, but I suppose they wanted you to be as confused as Ann, not knowing the language and being kind of culture shocked.


I assume that she knew that it was Joe's apartment, and assumed that she was some girl he'd picked up, which wouldn't go over well in 50's Italy.


That's true, I didn't take into account at those times it was unheard of for a woman to stay with a man let alone live with them when they weren't married. I feel a little embarrassed now, all I read or watch are period dramas. I just felt that what if that had been his sister, it just caught me off guard that a cleaning lady would have authority to kick someone out of someone else's apartment. Then again, this isn't Downton Abbey.


I've seen this movie over a dozen times & it's one of my favorites of all time. But I watched it again last night & caught a little film flub (I guess you call it) in the script here. Remember at the beginning when she is talking to the press & can speak all those different languages so easily....but then she doesn't understand the cleaning lady's Italian???? Which Italian is a pretty "basic" foreign language to learn :-) Still, it took me a long time to notice that after many viewings. LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!!

I'm sorry if the truth offends you - Rhett Butler


I don't think it's a flub in the script at all. The Princess wasn't speaking at length in any of those other languages- just short stock phrases of greetings and thank yous etc. I'm sure when suddenly confronted by the apartment owner's wife (who was doing maid duties but wasn't a maid) while in the shower she was too shocked & confused to respond to the dressing-down the woman was giving her.


That makes sense!! :-)

I'm sorry if the truth offends you - Rhett Butler


Furthermore, you can learn a language to the extent that you can converse with people who know you don't speak it primarily, and who take pains to speak slowly, clearly, and without colloquialisms. IOW, you have "book language." But rapid-fire speech by a native just blends together and you can't parse it at all.

I think anyone who has had two years of a language in high school knows what I'm talking about!

Prepare your minds for a new scale of physical, scientific values, gentlemen.


I know this is an old thread, so you may not see it, but I have another thought on this subject.

I would think that royalty would have been educated in high language - and not the vernacular of common fold. I don't know if Italian has various dialects, but I would suspect so. And I would suspect a maid would speak very differently than high society.


Back then and still today you can privately rent an Appartement and still pay a maid to clean it.
The maid probably went into the apartment to clean it and when she met Ann, she thought that Ann was one of those girls who don‘t work but simply live a live on the cost of a men without marrying him.
You also have to remember that Ann wakes up at around one o‘clock in the afternoon, when usually everyone works and only lazy people are using the bathroom to do their morning routine.
To the question with the languages I only want to add, that many politicians know basic phrases like „Hello“, „How do you do?“, „good evening“ and „good morning“ in various languages, this doesn’t mean however, that they can actually speak the language. When at the beginning the Italian Marshall says something in Italian, Ann doesn’t respond but only nods with her head. It’s not necessary for her to understand or to know what he said, because accordingly to the protocol of such a formal event she is the highest person and the guests know they place within the setting and that if they want to talk with her, they have to speak English.
