Dalton Trumbo credit

I recently saw the film, "Trumbo" and was led to believe that he was not given credit of any type for "Roman Holiday" due to his being blacklisted by Hollywood. The opening credits in Roman Holiday say Story by Dalton Trumbo but gives Ian McLellan Hunter credit as the writer. In the movie "Trumbo," Dalton gives Hunter the script of Roman Holiday to present to the studio in Hunter's name.
Was Trumbo's name added to the credits later?


Yes it was. after he was "un"listed -- and also he was added to Spartacus, and the others, I believe.



Wouldn't it be proper that IMDB give him the credit that he deserves? It appears that as of this date, Trumbo is still unlisted on the IMDB head listings for this movie.
