erh. dont laugh,i cried. i love this movie and i shun you if you didnt fall in love with it as well.

at the end, of course i asked " WHY? Why cant they be together" and ect. but after a while i appreciated it

it was perfect though, his long stride down the hall and im just thinking of all the options, hoping she comes back or SOMETHING. and then slowly 'the end' drifts on the screen.
it left me dazzled.
and thats what makes a good movie good. a classic :]

one thing though. in trivia it says they didnt want it in color because they didnt want the romantic rome to upstage the characters? i think its reasonable you know, but i would have liked to see the city come to life. it was killing me esp. when she used her dollar and a half to do all that stuff >was too cute. i just wanted to add that :P


Perfect, flawless ending to a perfect flawless movie!


The ending was absolutely perfect.
I think the scene that had me most emotional was Joe taking Ann back to where she had been situated, and the lingering hug in the automobile that resulted in a bit of tears from Joe who seemed to live a simple life of being a journalist before he met her. It had the whole "The day was over and both wishing it had never ended" feel to it. Many mixed emotions and feelings words cannot describe. Then seeing them both stare at each other in the press conference with Joe trying to control some tears was a nice touch.
You knew everything that was going on, it was wonderful. Im almost surprised this wasnt the first Hepburn movie i ever watched (prob 4th behind Sabrina, Charade and Breakfast at Tiffanys)


Yes, it's perfect.
If you want to feel they got back together, did you know there was Hollywood talk in the 80s of reuniting Hepburn and Peck, who in real life were great friends, for a sequel to Roman Holiday? The two would have been reunited and married, with Hepburn now queen and Peck a succesful novelist. The movie apparantly would have focussed on the romances of their children. The project never got off the ground.
That's OK with me. Roman Holiday is one of the great Hollywood romances and I'm not sure tinkering with it would have been such a good idea.


If you want to feel they got back together, did you know there was Hollywood talk in the 80s of reuniting Hepburn and Peck, who in real life were great friends, for a sequel to Roman Holiday? The two would have been reunited and married, with Hepburn now queen and Peck a succesful novelist.
Good to know! I was imagining something like that. It's satisfying to hear that they were good friends in real life.


I wish that movie HAD indeed been made, but showing them as a couple without showing how they got together would have bothered a lot of people.


I agree it was a good ending. A part of you always wants more, always wants the cliched happy ending. But this ending was realistic and made there "Roman Holiday" that much more special and unforgettable. Cheers to William Wyler, Dalton Trumbo and the Incredible cast on a true American Classic.


I'll give you a bit of ROYAL REALITY:
Edward VII giving up the British throne just because of being in love forever with Wally Simpson. And it happend more than 20 years earlier. There!
Except that as Joe said: "Life isn't about getting everything you want"

But then, Can it be please just getting what is most important to them?

Of course. You gave Ann one more day and she would have never come back to the princessdom...
If every animal had wings the sh*t of this world would be evenly spread


yeah, i was wondering how the movie would've been if it had been in color. =[

i loved the ending too!
it's not really the idealistic 'they lived happily ever after' ending, and that's what i love most about it. =D

my older sister on the other hand, had this look on her face that just.. went.. "NOOOOOOO!" hahaha. XD

e.e. cummings style!


I think that is the great part about this movie. That the couple doesn't end up together. It is more realistic ( it reminds me of a Princess Margaret of England who fell in love with a man she couldn't marry) but besides that, it is so poignant and heartbreaking, I love the scene where Gregory Peck is walking out of the throne room. A part of me always screams "Come on Ann, run out to him and leave!" and I think of the tragedy that they did not get together. Were they the love of each others life or was this brief interlude something that would enrich their lives and allow them to love others fully. Joe could find a woman like Ann while Ann could endear herself more to others.


I don't mind either, that they didn't end up together, from what we saw, anyway. I showed the film to a friend of mine who hated the ending.

I love the scene where Gregory Peck is walking out of the throne room. A part of me always screams "Come on Ann, run out to him and leave!"
Exactly. Even though the ending is fine the way it is, you can't help thinking about having a different outcome. Peck walking out of the throne room is one of most powerful moments of the film.


I agree, that final scene was really quite powerful and so RIGHT that it was kind of shocking to have it end in that non-traditional way. Which makes the scene so compelling to not take the "easy" way out. Bravo to the filmmakers for ending it that way.


Is it a coincidence that my three favourite romantic comedies of all time (Roman Holiday, Annie Hall, Chasing Amy) all end with the guy not getting the girl? I guess not.

-Goodnight, mother of six!
-Goodnight, father of two!


The ending was great. I loved it! A sentimental reunion would have killed it.

Antiparanoia is the eerie feeling that nothing is connected to anything else


to be honest I hoped for a bit more optimistic ending, something in the vein of the graduate. I'm glad they went for realism though.
I play cards with J.D. Shelnut, chief of PO-lice! So kiss my ass, you old bastard!


The funny thing is at the end of The Graduate by the expressions on their two faces sitting in the rear of the bus it is dawning on them what the hell have we gotten ourselves into? I think that was clearly what director Mike Nichols wanted to get across. It was in fact as much a bittersweet ending as Roman Holiday, the difference being that Joe and Ann acted more maturely and rationally in their situation- they didn't let it get quite as crazy and saved themselves potential future heartbreak.


I've seen this film a couple of times and I love it and I laugh and cry and smile, but, I always end up bitterly disappointed in the ending. It makes the rest of this enchanting movie seem such a waste when it ends like that. I know it's realistic as they can't be together, but, I don't watch movies - especially ones like this - for realism and I always end up deflated after the movie has finished


It is a bittersweet ending but realistic. It would have been sappy if they had got together. The bittersweet element made for a more effective ending, the look on the Princess's face briefly showing signs of sadness knowing her relationship with Joe was at an end.

"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not".


I loved the ending, especially when Gregory Peck was walking away and the camera pans backwards ever so slowly.


I agree!! The director was brilliant with this last scene. The slow walk and the camera moving backward with Joe looking forlorn and also having the last place we see the princess in the background. The audience can see Joe and imagine the emotions he must be feeling at that moment while their eyes flicker to the background hoping Anne comes running out. Then he stops, takes one last look and the audience is just waiting for Anne to appear...but she doesn't. So he turns and walks away. Very smart way to play on the audience's emotions

"Kiss my Converse!" -Sho'nuff: The Shogun of Harlem.


i cried too hahaa!
as much as i was thinking "come on ann, run out and jump in his arms!" i think the ending was perfect.
gregory peck walking slowly down that hall was so powerful. perfect perfect perfect!

fate is kind
