New DVD???

I went to Hell-Mart this evening and I bought a copy of The Robe ($7.50US). It is listed as a Special Edition. The cover is red and it looks like the robe itself. It has an intro by Martin Scorsese, and a Making of featurette. Also a Cinemascope featurette. Any idea if this is a hard to find copy?


It was a Christmas gift to me from my brother, so I don't it would be too hard to find. The movie looks gorgeous and I think you'll enjoy the featurettes. Listen to the commentary as well -- lots of very interesting stuff about Alfred Newman, the production and the Cinemascope process. I hope you enjoy it.

The devil turns away from a closed door.


This is ironic; but not the 1st time I'm seeing this happen with older movie transfers.

I had bought the 2001 DVD; and gave it to my son after buying the 2005 'New Cover' version.

I borrowed the latest DVD of the 'Red Robe Cover'; with M Scorcese's Intro from the library.
It contains the excellent documentary 'Making of' featuring a welcome interview with Jay Robinson.

Guess what?

When doing a comparison, the earlier DVD's colors are far richer and much more vibrant;
that was a vast improvement over the laser disc release;
and much, much better than the latest DVD transfer.

It's not supposed to be that way even though Marty's intro assures us we're about to see
a frame-by-frame restoration.

NOTE: Same problem with the difference between the DVD & Bluray release of

That being the case; THE ROBE won't be in my Bluray library;
unless they do a proper software restore.

It's a shame the film negative has deteriorated that much.
