favorite scenes

I've always loved this movie. My favorite scenes are these;

1. the look on Demetrius's face when Caligula and Marcellus are bidding for him.
2. the part where Marcellus's father is describing what kind of place Judea is.
3. after the crucifixion, when Demetrius yanks the Robe off of Marcellus, and the speech that follows. (my absolute favorite scene) Good stuff.
4. and of course, the final scene as Marcellus and Diana are leaving Caligula's hall, and Diana gives the Robe to Marcipor. I also love it when she tells Caligula exactly what she thinks of him. Tell it, girl!!!

Demetrius and the Gladiators is a great sequel to this, although my Movie Guide gives it a turkey. True, it has some hokey moments. Deborah Paget is awfully pretty, and a fair actress, but in that one scene when she's at the gladiator school talking to Demetrius and declaring her love for him is a bit overdone. She's just dripping with overdone emotion. But, what the hey, I still love it.


Just picked up a copy of this classic at Krogers for ten bucks; best tenspot I ever spent.
ALL the scenes with Alfred Newman's scoring (now in 5.1 Dolby!) are my favorites, but the stormy diatribe against Rome by Demetrius is right up there - with the weather the score!
My parents ran out and bought the HI FI LP back in 1954 and I was converted to film music, and religious classical in general, at an early age by this soundtrack.

YE must be born again


I was a kid when I saw this movie in Leow's theater, in downtown Newark, New Jersey in 1953. The theater was huge and so was the screen. I was transfixed from beginning to end. I loved the movies..the 3D movies...and now the widescreen, Cinemascope was just too fantastic.
My favorite scene is when Demetrius was knocked unconscious by a Roman soldier as he tried to come to the aid of the cross carrying Christ. He awakens to find the day very dark and to see to his horror three crucifixes on the distant hill. He stares unconprehendingly at his surroundings as he approaches the crucified Christ. The music swells and he begins to weep as he picks up Christ's robe and buries his face in it. Very heavy stuff.




I agree that the the sword fight, and Paulus' later grudging respect for Marcellus was a big high point for me. Actually, though Paulus was bigger and stronger, he was probably at his best in a pitched battle, where courage and discipline are paramount. In a one-on-one sword fight, Marcellus, as a member of the Roman Senatorial class, would probably have gotten tons of training learning the subtleties of sword play. Most of Paulus' experience would have been as part of cohort* or century* where he lead his men. (*Units of a legion)


It's hard to pick favorites, almost every scene made me burst in laughter because of the ridiculous dialog or overacted performances. And talk about historical idiocies and strange antisemitist propaganda, like with the always greedy jewish merchants.

This movie was so bad that it was good.



My favorite scene is when Demetrius yanks the robe off Marcellus and shouts about how the Romans are thieves and murderers. My favorite quote is "I'll never serve you again, you Roman pig!" Good stuff!!!


Favorite scene? When Jay Robinson takes Jean Simmons to see Victor Mature being tortured. When Jay looks down at Victor's sweaty, nearly-naked body being held in agonizing bondage -- with his legs pulled apart! -- you just know what rings Caligula's chimes.


Whenever that outstanding music score gets louder in the film, often when "the robe" itself is mentioned or seen. It is that music that gets me. Those are my favourite scenes.
