MovieChat Forums > Peter Pan (1953) Discussion > Would you want to stay young forever?

Would you want to stay young forever?

I was wondering how many people here would want to go to neverland and stay young like Peter.
Also if you could go to Neverland what would you want to see?




I definitely would!

... But only if I could go back and see my parents once in a while. ^^;
But even if I grew up, they'd eventually be gone, so if I just stayed young forever, they'd still die, but instead of just outliving them, I'd live forever, so I wouldn't be sad.

I'd want to see /everything/ in Neverland! The Indian encampment, the pirates, the mermaids, the old tree, everything!


Depends would I have go to school all the time and watch everyone else grow up? If I lived in Neverland I would love to stay young lol

Did you rub my lamp? Did you wake me up? Did you bring me here?


No i wouldn't want to be young forever.

Matthew Followill is so purty.And he has dimples to make him purty


When you are a little kid, some obviously fantasise about it. That's what makes Peter Pan as a film so special.
When you grow up, your perspectives change, but it's still lovely to think back and imagine.
I'd want to see it all!


I have a Peter Pan Complex! I hate growing up, I want to stay a child in NeverLand forever!

I am in love with Peter Pan


Is it fair for a grown-up to answer this question? When I was little, I know I would have given anything to stay a child forever. However, now that I'm in my 20s, I still get in to the theater and get to eat at buffets for the child price, so in my own way I'm currently stuck in Neverland. Trust me, when you're an adult who's really short and looks like a child you suddenly wish that you "grew up". However, if I was in Neverland with pirates and such I wouldn't mind it.


I hate growing up too! Im 24 and 5'4 some people think I'm tiny for my age.


Yes! Freakin' period. Though..I don't want to be STUCK in Neverland...I'd miss my mum. And I hope my mum's not the type to bar the windows like in Barrie's book. Poor Peter. Children do take advantage like that a lot.

In the words of J. M. Barrie, "Nothing of importance happens to a child after the age of 12."

"I'm assuming that's a joke. I'm ignoring you for time reasons." -Wilbur Robinson


As much as I would love to stay young for a bit longer, I wouldn't want to stay young forever. When I was younger I always thought I never want to grow up but as I got older I started to realise that I'm having a lot more fun now at 17 than I was at 12. I have so much more freedom than I ever thought imaginable. Just because you grow up doesn't mean you can't be a child at heart.

Also another reason is that while I would be staying young forever the people I love around me are going to be growing up and leaving me behind. I'd rather grow old with friends than stay young alone.

I would love to go to Neverland (but return home after a little while) and see the mermaids and everything but especialy the mermaids because I loved them when I was little.



Like Dane Cook and bees, I would punch ever one in the face! No fairy's bringing me down!

"I'm assuming that's a joke. I'm ignoring you for time reasons." -Wilbur Robinson


I don't know....swim probably....thats such a pathetic response....I have no idea what I'd do if they tried to drown me....but their so pretty.


not m am glad to be 22



OF COURSE! I'd love to stay young forever!
I'd want to bring my friends too, and I'd want to
see everything! From the mermaids, to the old tree,
and I'd want to see Tinkerbell and Peter Pan of course.


I would to stay innocent and not have any worries and things,well i mean serious worries,but i wouldnt because some kids are really immature and i wouldnt want to be around the immature people.

The only worries i had as a kid were when i was bullied,so i wouldnt want to go back to being a kid for that reason,but as i say,you are more innocent thenand dont think about the bigger worries in life as much.


I would, but only if I had never really known my parents.


yes. post puberty though.

From now on, please try to not split infinitives


Hmmm. No, I don;t think so, because as an adult, there are quite alot of freedoms that children don't have. (i.e.: driving a car, doing what I want - within the law, eat what I want, make decisions regarding my life, etc) However, I sure wish I had the energy I used to have at 16, 17, etc. And I could do without the aches and pains that catch up to you after thirty. If I could go, yes I would, though I'd rather have gone in my 20's. And I would head stright for the pirate ship, join Hook, shoot that bloody crocodile and skin it for boots. Then we'd go Pan hunting.

"A short life and a merry one!" - Bartholomew Roberts.


I'd like 2 be young forever, but only if everyone else stayed the same. it'd be too hard to watch my parents getting ancient. and i wouldn't go to school, but stay home all day with my mum 'n dad and do stuff. *sigh*

i love this film so much it hurts.

There's an eye in me soup.
