MovieChat Forums > Peter Pan (1953) Discussion > Do you think tonight's airing will be ce...

Do you think tonight's airing will be censored?

I checked the guide on my TV, and it looks like it's only an hour and a half long with commercials. And I do remember there was some racism and political incorrectness in this film so I'm hoping it's not edited, and it's only one of those "more movie, less commercials" gimmicks.


seemed to be 'more movie less commercials"

There's just a possibility that I will kiss a doorknob.
T~O #210


Good, I recorded it on my DVR because I knew I would miss it, and I just started it up right now.


There was a message at the beginning saying the film was edited to fit in the time slot. Does anyone know what was cut out?


Just the unimportant stuff, probably. Does anyone else get at least a chuckle out of the teddy bear being tied to a stake by the Native American stereotypes after the boys have been taken care of?


There were no censors. The movie was its full 77 minutes only with commercials making it 90.
