Forgetable as independent and disgraceful as an adaptation [SPOILERS!]
I don't wonder why this, as far as I know, is considered one of the worst Disney classics ever and I DO wonder how in the world did they manage to have this as the iconic theme for Disney? I guess it is Disney that has made Peter Pan's character well known throughout these decades but only seemingly. I think it's not fair that they take so much credit, when they have never ever told the original story or introduced teh original characters as they were meant to be or even got close. The only respectable Disney related Peter Pan film I know of, is the 2003 live action film. And I daresay Disney didn't have much to do with the production.
It's sad that the people of the Children's Hospital, to which Barrie sold the copyrights of Peter Pan, obviously didn't care about his work at all back then, as they allowed Disney to make this crap. I'm quite sure this isn't wahat we wouldn've seen if Disney asked the permission couple of years ago, before the original srory fell into public domain. The woman who I was adviced to contact for copyright matters in early 2007, cared a LOT about the original story and disliked even the 2003 film for a lot less significant changes than this film has.
First: The characters.
This movie makes Peter an elf in Robin Hood costume instead of a human boy in probably-not-Robin-Hood-costume and ignores all the persona characteristics in him that really matter. This movie makes Wendy a babbling idiot. And poor Captain Hook a TOTAL clown. The supposed-to-be-scary crocodile is a drooling puppy dog in this film. And of course as every Disney cartoon must have a character which has had too many hits in the head, they made one of the Lost Boys that one. The only character that has not been completely disgraced in this film is Tink. Even for an independent film that is a bad thing; none of the characters having any originality or depth in them.
The story itself then? The Darling parents don't even get the time to notice their kids are gone!!! Probably one of the most significant point in the original story and they ruined it! Also the famous nursery scene between Peter Pan and Wendy is a stunning piece of- There are no thimbles and no acorns - one of the little things that makes the original story such a unique one. It's a wonder he even had lost his shadow and she helped him stick it. (Even though to his shoes and it makes no sense to me.)
And the ending is happy through and through. The story made NO difference to any of the characters what-so-ever. Their adventure was POINTLESS even if they were making memories. For the viewer there was no memorable scenes either. I kept forgetting almost everything about this film over and over again, even though I saw this countless of times when I was a kid, like 5 years old or so. I tried to rewatch this a few time when I was a teen, but again - forgetable! Clever bastards! Making it so forgetable that people end up watching it over again.
Ruining a great story like this, just to amuse children should be illegal. So know now if you haven't known it before - this Disney version does not have anything significant in common with the original story - which is not really a children's story but just a great, great story.
And as said, this film is very forgetable all in all. It can be enjoyable for very small children but almost insulting their intelligence by not being... well, more intelligent! And more colourful and more original. This just annoys me to no end.
"I know now the secret of eternity."