Poor Wendy!

Wendy was a sweet girl who just wanted to have fun and everyone was such a bitch to her. Tinker Bell, the mermaids, the Indians, even Peter at times....jeeesh the poor thing couldn't catch a break.

"Notice how I ride side saddle, it proves I'm a lady of quality." Witch Hazel


oh i agree! wendy is a really good disney character but she doesnt get enough love from anyone, real life or in the movie.

yet tinker bell is so LOVED! Lol her face is plastered everywhere. nobody knows today what a terrible person she was to wendy.

Sweet as sugar, hard as ice, hurt me once I'll kill you twice~



She has spunk though. That's what makes her great. Since then though, like Mickey Mouse, she's become more a symbol of Disney than an actual character. But it is interesting such a symbol is really this uber jealous pixie-girl who tries to murder Wendy. haha. Also funny how different that Tinkerbell is to the new version.

I just watched this on Disney Channel, and it was this weird experience where I could have sworn I'd seen it before, but then watching it, I don't think I actually ever had. Or I had forgotten everything, while still knowing the basic story. I was surprised by how good it was, although I missed the beginning.



Y'know, I never saw Peter Pan as a kid, so I'm watching it now...
Wow, lots of psychotic behavior from most of the characters, but especially Tinker Bell!
"OhMyGod! She tried to kill Wendy! And she's proud of it! What a bitch!"


Didn't she eventually warm up to Wendy?

You want to play the game, you'd better know the rules, love.
-Harry Callahan


It's as I said in the other post everyone loves mean girls. And too it's a gender thing double standards, with Tink it's looked at as SPUNK, but if a male was acting like her it would be looked at as just "being a jerk".

Donald Duck was as "spunky" and "spit-firish" as they come but ppl usually reguard him as a jerk. Like ppl think it's cute and funny when Tink wanted tried to kill Wendy BUT ppl hated it when Donald turned a gun on an audience of children.

But Mickey is well-loved as ppl have pointed out. It's a fact, ppl love nice guys and mean girls. Where as means guys and nice girls are not that well liked lol

Why do you think Miss Piggy is everyone's favorite Muppet?

Create a society in which you would like to live, not knowing what you're going to come into it as.


I always joked that Peter seems to have all the girls charmed: Tinkerbell, the Mermaids, and even Tiger Lily does that dance and 'nuzzles' him.

"Thanks, guys." "So long, partner."

- Toy Story 3 (9/10)



Well Wendy's meant to be the moral one in a frankly wild, immoral place with little - no rules so it makes sense that her morality would conflict with the other characters. But it's what makes her likeable even though she can be a little fussy/prim.

beauty freedom love truth


Haha yeah I agree, poor Wendy indeed. They were probably horrible to her because she was a human girl who could possibly screw up their whole innocent island by making Peter fall in love with her, move back to the real world and *gasp!* grow up!


Wendy is such an underrated Disney character. She's the only one in the movie who had any sense besides the dog!!!


Agreed. Wendy gets a lot of flack and I felt sorry for her when she was harassed by the mermaids.
