MovieChat Forums > Julius Caesar (1953) Discussion > The Perfect Cast for a Modern filming of...

The Perfect Cast for a Modern filming of The Play.

Christian Bale=Mark Antony
Aaron Eckhart=Marcus Brutus
Ian McDiarmid=Julius Caesar
Paul Johansson=Cassius
Steven R McQueen=Octavian
James Marsters=Casca
Bob Dylan=Cinna The Poet
Ian Somerhalder=Artemidorus
Moira Kelly=Calpurnia
Maggie Gyllenhaal=Portia
Ian Holm=Cicero
Christopher Lee=Soothsayer
There's a War on for you Mind!!!!!!!


I think your cast is a bit full of The Dark Knight!

And a definite no to Hayden Christensen. That man is useless.

But other than him I guess it could work......still not perfect though.



He's the closest thing I can think of among modern actors to how Octavian is portrayed.

"God doesn't make the world the way it is.

We Do"-Rorschach, Watchmen


I think your cast is a bit full of The Dark Knight!
That is intentional.

"It's not about money

It's about sending a Message

Everything Burns!"


Patrick Stewart for Caesar (he's an excellent Shakespeare actor ans he has the... hair :D)
Brutus... well... Philip Quast. He can be perfectly noble, majestic, and utterly lost at the end. And has gorgeous voice, gorgeous eyes, and he's sexy in a Roman outfit.
Cassius: Now why isn't Al Pacino younger... :'( What about Javier Bardem?
Antony: no idea. Is there an actor about 35-40, who can talk beautifully, is hot, CAN act, and isn't a Hollywood idol?
Calpurnia: Helen Mirren
Portia: no idea... just have a nice English stage actress.


"Antony: no idea. Is there an actor about 35-40, who can talk beautifully, is hot, CAN act, and isn't a Hollywood idol?"

Yes: Tom Hardy. Charismatic, sexy, beautifully spoken (when the part calls for it), and obscenely talented.

Love Helen Mirren as Calpurnia. Also Christopher Lee as the soothsayer (better hurry up while he's still around).

Patrick Stewart's a good call as Caesar.

Let's go for broke & cast Daniel Day-Lewis as Brutus. Then go with Cate Blanchet as Portia.

Michael Sheen as Casca.

Cassius--hmmm. Maybe Quast. Daniel Craig?


Hmmmmm, another Nolan actor.

When the chips are down... these "Civilized" people... will Eat each Other


James Frain === Marcus Antonius

Joseph Fiennes === Marcus Junius Brutus

Bryan Brown === Julius Caesar

Eric Bana === Cassius

John Cusack === Decius Brutus

Paul Giamatti === Casca

Jamie Bell === Octavian

Sean Bean === Lepidus

Moira Kelly === Calpurnia

Anne Hathaway === Portia

Dylan Schmid === Lucius

Robert Loggia === Cicero

Vernon Dobtcheff === Soothsayer


Michael Fassbender would be the perfect Brutus.

Ralph Fiennes as Julius Caesar

Tom Hardy as Marc Anthony

Ray Winstone as Casca

Cassius is the difficult role to cast, and probably the best role to play from an actors perspective. He must be smart, eloquent, but more slimy and less physically impressive than the other main characters. I always think of Cassius as sort of a coward, clever and treacherous, not a natural leader. Sort of leaning toward Gary Oldman or Ben Kingsley.

"Push the button, Max!"
