Best John Wayne Movie?
could be
I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn
I liked this movie very much... but... It was flawed...
1. During the Horse breaking scene... you could tell it was not John Wayne
2. The end of Sam was not played out well enough at all.
3. The wrap up at the end was too quick
I believe the movie was a few minutes under 90 minutes... if it was just 10 minutes longer.
When the legend becomes a fact... print the legend.
No, that would be THE SEARCHERS. #2? No, that would be RIO BRAVO. #3? No, that would be STAGECOACH. #4? No, that would be SHE WORE A YELLOW RIBBON #5? No, that would be THE MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALANCE #6? Well, maybe a tie between HONDO, FORT APACHE, RIO GRANDE, THE QUIET MAN........Lots of great movies in his filmography.
share Good list but "Sands Of" belongs in there somewhere. So does "Red River."
Duke didn't exactly do deep movies. But Otto Preminger got a good performance out of him in "In harms Way."
I liked Hondo but haven't seen it in years. Going to put it on my list...
I saw three dusters...inside the dusters were three men, inside the men were three bullets.
Yes, I also really like "In Harms Way." I don't think it's a really great movie, but it's one that I go back to probably more than any other. I just like it a lot.