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An excellent website:
This is already listed as an external link. Agree that it is a very informative site.
shareFirst of all, could I say, it is quite a pain to log into this forum. Numerous steps. Is it really worth it.
I saw Genevieve as a kid, then recently again for the first time in 40 + years. So, I know my memory is not perfect.
But as I recall, the trumpet solo was not a trumpet solo, but a vocal. Am I just remembering totally wrong? Were there different versions of this film and does anyone else recall a vocal version, "Genevieve, sweet genevieve, the days may come, the days may go ... "
Actually there is an old poem with these exact words, by George Cooper.
Is there another old movie about old automobiles, with this song in a vocal version?
The trumpet solo sequence was always just that - a trumpet solo, actually played by the excellent Kenny Baker (not the Kenny Baker who played R2D2 by the way).
There certainly was a very well-known old song, with words as quoted above, but the song didn't feature in this film.
A response after 4 years! Thank you Chris. I've been sitting by the computer, waiting. I can go to the bathroom now!
Just kidding.
The movie that I was thinking of at the time is called "Excuse My Dust" (1951) starring Red Skelton. Kind of a similar genre to Genevieve.