Montgomery Clift's Top Rated Films
Countdown to Montgomery Clift's top rated movies 1948-1966
Countdown to Montgomery Clift's top rated movies 1948-1966
Clift made few films but most of his films were good.
I would disagree a great deal, I guess, as I would consider your top two overrated. Red River's ending always seemed a cop out to me. All that thirsting for revenge just thrown out the window. On the other hand, I would consider The Misfits underrated. But just my personal takes on good movies.
Probably the first person I've encountered who wasn't all that impressed with Red River, among the top 10 greatest westerns, possibly top 5. I liked the happy ending in Red River, heck I love happy endings, the world is bleak enough as it is. :)
The Misfits seems to be hit and miss with critics, some consider it a minor masterpiece while others turn their noses up at it.
If all goes well The Young Lions will be making it's third top 10 charts video appearance this week, later tonight.
"Red River, among the top 10 greatest westerns, possibly top 5."
On the other hand, I checked out the John Wayne page here on IMDB, and Red River is only the 5th rated John Wayne western--
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance--8.1
The Searchers--8.0
Rio Bravo--8.0
Red River--7.8
This is sort of the way I would rate them myself, except I would switch Stagecoach with The Searchers.
"The Misfits seems to be hit and miss with critics"
Definitely. It was a hit with me. I have to re-watch it soon and see what I think now.
There's a guy named Bob at Cogersons you both have similar tastes and views, check out my recent post on there, you get a mention. :)
Red River did a bit better on my John Wayne video where it came in second to The Searchers.