Two film prints at George Eastman House in Rochester, NY!!!
Its a crazy story of how TWO film prints arrived at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) in Rochester, NY. An institution funded pratically single-handedly by Kodak (Rochester, NY is its world headquarters). When the originall distributor of F&D, Joseph Burstyn (NYC) died in dee late 1950's, a film professor at RIT, smartly bought all his archives, prints, notes, files, etc, etc for the RIT archives - George Eastman House (as well as being part of KODAK, as well). Well wouldn't you know that two film prints of Fear & Desire were amoungst Burstyn's collection.
Years later, around early 1980-ish, Sir Stanley considered this film as an "inept student film" and decided to remove all prints from circulation (including the original neg's), and had them "burned", as dee story goes!!! (Most people assume that they are in his Vault-we might never know). Few problems here though, George Eastman House would not give up their two prints of the film - but in the end agreed not to ever screen them publically. Secondly, it had been shown on North American TV for a while - SO all the VHS (NTSC) copies floating around are all decendants of a late 70's, early 80's VHS recording (probanly at EP speed - we'll never know) - that's why its such a bad copy!!! I have never seen a film print screened at any KUBRICK retrospective.