MovieChat Forums > Fear and Desire (1953) Discussion > SIGN THE PETITION TO BRING OUT THE KUBRI...


Just signed it folks... click on this link and all your worries will be left behind... SIGN IT PLEASE!!!! Viddy well until then... OK?

Droog #26 dee Minister of Anthropology


Since you are deep in dee catacombs of dee Kubrick Boards here, just thought this might help:

NOW avaliable: TWO Kub flic are out ALREADY:
- on HD-DVD: Spartacus [Universal Studios - street date: Oct 24th, 2006] - [OK check]

- on Blu-ray: FMJ [Warners - street date: September 5, 2006] - [OK check]

TBA: (based on statements at 2006 release slate event in January 2007) - 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, The Shining, Eyes Wide Shut (unrated)" [OK check]
Even though I love this "High-Definition" format, it seems ridiculous that these "highway robbers" can't agree on one "Hi-Def" standard, hence we have two different and uncompatible formats... and a thrid one is on dee way folks [good god almighty]... ridiculous folks!!! Consider for a second that Kubrick never-ever released a film in dee 16:9 [1.78:1] aspect ratio - rumour has it that only The Shining was intended to be shown at 1.78:1 [Leon Vitali:] - but how can you take a 1.66:1 [all Warners Kub films] and "make-up" dee extra stretch, maybe pan & scanned [who knows?]... it's mind boggling folks... how dare they take us for a ride!!!! "Highway robbers, dee lot of them"

Didn't we learn anything from dee VHS vs. BETA battles... and, look at where they are now?????

So Droogies this is where all this Special Edition rukus all started from:
Monday, January 30th, 2006:

Today MovieWeb attended the Warner Bros. Home Video Sneak Peak in which the studio announced their upcoming titles for 2006. Here is a select listing of what DVD buyers can expect from the WB in the coming year.

Newly cleaned up versions of Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Shining, A Clockwork Orange and the new, never before seen version of Eyes Wide Shut. Apparently, we will now get to see some of the more racier scenes that the old Warner Bros. regime deemed inappropriate for American eyes. As well, we were informed that the Kubrick estate has granted access to much of the behind-the-scenes footage Kubrick kept for himself from these films. WB is doing what they can to get everything they can packed into the Standard and High Definition releases these film's will see on DVD this year.

- from:
NOW, before we get toooooo excited here there is a couple of things to consider: ONE, these HD-DVD releases will be expensive, and made more so because you need to buy a HD-DVD player to watch them on - your regular DVD player will not play them properly, maybe your computer will with new software (there are updates for dee DVD player programme, which is dee absolute best programme out there folks); TWO, there is no scheduled Warners release date announced for this year, so don't hold your breath!!!!

But, if you just can't wait, you can keep an eye out here - PLUS, your know it will make your daily nightly news in all your 'hoods!!!! So, again, if you can't wait, check here, because it has all dee late-breakin' daily DVD release news:

BTW, Blu-Ray has totally the same high spec's as HD-DVD - it is dee highest quality DVD out there - Kub would have been proud of these possibilities here. If only they'd get Kub's actual aspect ratios right - the video releases so far are all over dee place here (Criterion releases exclused, of course!!! Blu-Ray and HD-DVD are like - respectively - as what BETA was to VHS.) A Blu-Ray disc wouldn't play in a HD-DVD player, and visa versa!!! Viddy dee well until dee day they actually do get it right then... (((Bezoomy Shaika-sters dee 'hole lot of 'em!!!)))

Droog #26 dee Minister of Anthropology


Gshager, how is your film SHORTY coming along? When can I see it mate?


Can I be Droog #27?

And how do you get so many characters into your signature? Do you need IMDb Pro? Or is it not your signature and you just rewrite it every time?

*Everyone takes something different out of art, don't let anyone else define what you perceive*


Droog #26 dee Minister of Anthropology

Written out, replacing [ with { and ] with }...

{b}{i}{red}D{/red}{green}r{/green}{blue}oo{purple}g {orange}#{/orange}{red}26{/red}{green}dee Minister of Anthropology{/green}

Is way over 100 characters and that's my best attempt at writing it out in the shortest way possible, not even including {spider}. If it's not due to IMDb Pro, then you have me stumped.
