MovieChat Forums > Escape from Fort Bravo (1953) Discussion > Eleanor Parker's never ending wardrobe

Eleanor Parker's never ending wardrobe

I know this is just a movie and movie stars are supposed to look good and all that, but Parker's wardrobe, makeup and impeccable hair styling, out in the middle of nowhere, rendered this movie into the realm of the ridiculous. It reminded me of a Western Comedy I saw long ago with the hero riding along on his faithful steed with his wardrobe wagon trailing just behind. She would need one of those for all the different dresses she wore! Please don't get me wrong, Eleanor Parker was a beautiful woman and I enjoyed looking at her in this movie and I will acknowledge that they did let her get a little mussed up towards the end.


Eleanor's wardrobe is only slightly exaggerated for female leads in westerns of this era. They are rather humorous. On a related note that seems even more ridiculous to me is the hats of the male leads. Next western you watch that isn't directed by one of the top directors, count the different colored hats the male lead wears and then count the number of hat boxes on his horse when he rides out of town. I love to entertain myself with that one in a lower tier western.

Wardrobe aside, I thought Eleanor Parker was at the pinnacle of her great physical beauty in this film. She is absolutely alluring and gorgeous. I don't blame Bill Holden for his blind spot.

John 3:16


I put her pinnacle in The Sound Of Music - beautiful, sophisticated, classy, mature.....


Yep, she managed to bring a lot of stuff for a stay at a prison camp. It started to look like all the gear the people on Gilligan's Island brought along for their "three hour tour."


It's not only Eleanor Parker's wardrobe that seems exaggerated and out of place for a visit to a small, dusty western fort'

Note, also, that the two Confederate officers, despite being prisoners, seem to have finely tailored, full-dress, Confederate officers uniforms....freshly cleaned and pressed to boot.... available when they are invited to the dance party.
