This movie deals with the subject of attempted rape, a fairly controversial subject for a 1953 flick........... the attitude of "she brought her problem on herself by her actions." is also explored..... Interesting film for its time.
How true. Known for many "firsts" in both technique and subject matter, Fritz Lang was never one to shy away from unpleasant social topics (i.e. things that everyone knew existed or occurred, but that no one really talked about or addressed in polite society) like date rape, racism, mob mentality, pedophilia, homosexuality, sexism, and horrors! even woman's sexual desire. Interestingly, he tended to present the material in a way that explored "blame" and responsibility. (Similarly, Hitchcock's trademark technique was the to manipulate the audience through "exchange of guilt" amongst his characters.)
Lang also had a career-long fascination with media, communications, and new technology and preciently used it to illustrate the public's penchant for gossip and sensational "news" over more important social issues.