Erratum..Music is NOT original
Roaul Kraushaar, who's listed as music, was one of many music packagers along with, and who had a business deal, with Capitol's John Seely [distributer WB would use that service's cues in six WB cartoons in fall 1958].
Given the lower budget, interesting that a major distributor was involved.
Cues that Raoul K. compiled were written in many cases by Bill Lava [whether animation or live, another Wb connection] and Dave Kahn [the guy who brought us all the whistle-able theme to TV's "Leave it to Beaver".]
Some of the cues [I have a soundtrack from s ite] turned up in Gumby and other TV shows [same for anything else whose music is credited to Kraushhare. The open in the clip I have seems to be the TV SUPERMAN theme!!]
Take Care,signed