Is Cloverfield a remake of Beast?
There seems to be a lot of plot similarities between the two films. A little over two weeks before it opens, I'm sure there will be definete comparasons.
shareThere seems to be a lot of plot similarities between the two films. A little over two weeks before it opens, I'm sure there will be definete comparasons.
shareJJ Abrams has all but admitted that I think on
shareI see a lot of similarities. Those snobs on the Cloverfield board though won't listen to any discussion on this topic. They all say JJ said it will be an all american new monster blah blah.
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I hope it's ol' Rhed, I love TBFTTF.
shareI'd be shocked if it wasn't. Beast awakens from the sea in this. The beast is awoken from drilling in Cloverfield. It attacks New York in Fathoms, Cloverfield attacks New York. And if I'm not mistaken both have some kind of infection/parasite going on, and both have roars that shake things to the ground. I might be nitpicking but I think this is a reimagination of Fathoms.
shareI think cloverfield's viral backstory draws more inspiration from this than the actual movie. Plus, cloverfield gives a reference to this by making Coney Island an important place in the movie.
I saw it! It's lions, tigers, and bears simultaneously proving that we are super screwed!
Well, can't say I saw THAT deisgn coming...Ah well, guess the Beast is still open for a remake, which NEEDS to be done.
shareWhy does it need to be redone? The Rhedasour is Ray Harryhausen's baby, and it looks just fine in stop-motion, thank you.
shareActually, the Beast WAS remade in several round about ways....Eugene Lourie was told to make BEHEMOTH THE SEA MONSTER as close to the beast as possible...and the American Godzilla film that Beavis and Butthead produced and directed was more like the Beast From Twenty Thousand Fathoms meets Friends...
Lookie, I just saw Cloverfield and while it had some great things going for it , it still is basically a rip off of the Beast by way of Felicity and the Blair Witch thingamajig.
Oh and the Rhedasaurus looks a hellava lot better than that Japanese Childrens' toy that is jaywalking all over lower Manhattan in Cloverfield.
It doesn't NEED to be, but in our little age of remakes/sequals/and other unoriginal ideas, The Beast would be a nice addition. And Rhed is definatly much better than Clover, and I'll agree, he looks snazzy in black and white.
shareFunny, i just watched BEAST again und thought also of the US-Godzilla parallels... well, Emmerich can only steal - badly.
Wie Du mir, Sodomie.
Remake? Footage from this movie, Them, and King Kong all appear in the movie. As I'm sure that connection has already been made. I'm sure there's a reason for this.
......I suppose you could say "The Beast from 20,000" is a rip off of "Lost Continent" back in the twenties, the first movie to have a prehistoric beast terrorizing a modern city. Then there are all those stories, in all cultures, about dragons laying waste to the countryside. The plots of movie, like liturature, are based on earlier works and old ideas.
Joe the plumber is right.
no its not.
one, the monster doesnt look the same and i would think jj would like to keep it similar if it was a remake.
also, jj & matt have both said this is not a remake and they started this movie from scratch. jj was inspired by godzilla.
Pretty much whenever you have a giant monster in NYC it can be seen as a remake as Beast. Although I think Godzilla (1998) is a carbon copy ripoff.
Cloverfield has alot more originality then Godzilla.
yeah clovie is something we've never seen. my roommate keeps saying its just like Godzilla, though she has never seen the movie, but theres no comparison besides its a monster attacking a city. clovie doesnt look like a giant lizzard or dinosaur.