Remake anyone?

OK, I heard that a lot of you are pissed about Peter Jackson's KING KONG. So instead of KING KONG, why not remake, THE BEAST FROM 20'000 FATHOMS. I'm leaving it up to you who will be the star, and who will do the visual effects.


I arrest my case.

It is better off that this film will not be remade. Becasue it is not the same.

You can't beat the classics.



Actually, I'm counting on ol' Pete to remake Bad Taste!

I like cheese! It is cool!


I'm saying does anyone want THE BEAST FROM 20'000 FATHOMS to get remade?

Why not spread out some threads on facts and opinions on this creatrue featrure.


I can't belive we are the only two people on board. Let's spread the word!


Meh, I guess it'd be all right to see renewed... I never did care for some of Harryhausen's stuff, namely this, It Came from Beneath the Sea or whatever, and Earth vs. the Flying Saucers.

I like cheese! It is cool!


I heard from the development heck section from, it says that CLASH OF THE TITANS is going to get remade, and JASON AND THE ARGONAUTS is getting remade as ARGONAUTS.
EARTH VS THE FLYING SAUCERS (1956) is a clone of 1953's WAR OF THE WORLDS. And if you want to see an updated version of WAR OF THE WORLDS, there is one 1996, called INDEPENDENCE DAY. Now I heard that WAR OF THE WORLDS is going to get remade starring Tom Cruise. WTF!?



George A. Romero's 1973 chiller, THE CRAZIES, is getting remade by Paramount. Other remakes for PAramount, are WAR OF THE WORLDS starring Tom Cruise, and the script for JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH, is done.


Why can't they make any original monster movies anymore?

Some remakes are acceptable but I'm afraid the success of remakes is meaning even less creativity out of Hollywood. Hollywood's attempts at 'updating' movie monsters have been very poor (Godzilla '98). King Kong as already been remade once in the 70's, so why are they doing it again?


The upcoming film, THE STEPFORD WIVES is a remake of the 1975 classic with Roddney McDowell.

Yes I know. That, and the MEN IN BLACK music at the trailer. I also noticed the PLANET OF THE APES 2001 music in THE CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK trailer.


There has in fact been a worthy remake to THE BEAST; it's just that no one thinks it such. But think about the 1998 movie GODZILLA. If you think of it, the plot is very, very close to that of THE BEAST, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE EGGS. I think GODZILLA would have been more successfully marketed--and accepted by Godzilla purists--as a remake of THE BEAST. What do you think?

"Love God, hate sin, live a clean life."


I found a link that would explain what it is like if the film gets remade.


Thanks. I still think the Tristar American Godzilla (1998) was, probably unintentionally, a remake of THE BEAST.

"I've got nothing to hide, nothing to prove, no axe to grind and nothing to lose!"


You're right.

It is a bastardization of 20'000 FATHOMS and GODZILLA.



Yes. It's too bad that with GINO they didn't remain faithful to the character of Godzilla (even if he was computer-generated, they should have remained true to his appearance and character). A remake of THE BEAST could have successfully followed, I think.

"I've got nothing to hide, nothing to prove, no axe to grind and nothing to lose!"


Thanks. I still think the Tristar American Godzilla (1998) was, probably unintentionally, a remake of THE BEAST.

Me too! I never really considered it to be a Godzilla remake, despite the name. And i liked it!

~Whereever you go, there you are~


I like it as long as can mentally block out the name! LOL

"I've got nothing to hide, nothing to prove, no axe to grind and nothing to lose!"


I like it as long as can mentally block out the name! LOL


I just call Emmerich's Godzilla: "The Beast from 20,000 Kilotons" ;)

~Whereever you go, there you are~


Remake anyone?
by - DarthCapulus on Tue Sep 27 2005 17:27:43

I like it as long as can mentally block out the name! LOL


I just call Emmerich's Godzilla: "The Beast from 20,000 Kilotons" ;)

THERE YA GO!!! :-)

"I've got nothing to hide, nothing to prove, no axe to grind and nothing to lose!"


I think if Beast was re-made, people would compare it to the American Godzilla movie. Personally, it would be a great flick, but too comparable to Godzilla in scope and action sequences. Beast will always be one of my favorites.
If any old time monster-movie remakes get made it should be:
THEM and TARANTULA. Creature from the Black Lagoon should be re-done as well.


I agree on all points.

"I've got nothing to hide, nothing to prove, no axe to grind and nothing to lose!"


Don't remake this, it's not necessary.


It looks to me that they did remake this already, and that it's coming out on 1/18/2008. Under the name "Cloverfield."



No, the film is a classic and a new film, although probably technically
better, would not have the charm.


NO! Leave it alone! Think Godzilla 1998 or An American Werewolf In Paris or King Kong 1976 !
