'big game' hunting, just plain killing really
i just watched this film and found it unbearable. this 'big game' hunting thing, the Great White Hunter. gruesome. just an excuse to shoot down the large creatures that live in africa. shoot the lions then stand, along with the natives, next to the body for a photograph to show how big and brave you are. shoot the rhino... or shoot the tiger, stand, along with the natives, next to the body for a photograph to show how big and brave you are. i read a memoir not to long ago in vanity fair from someone who had gone big game hunting with hemingway, and talked about one such 'safari' they were on and they were so very proud of having shot a pair of new born zebra foals because they had them made into rocking horses for children. i know it's all of an era, but i don't have much time for the macho hemingway.