The color was overpowering at times

Did anybody notice how "overkill" the color came across at times? In particular, some of the clothing had such overpowering color tint, that it looked almost unnatural, or like it came out of a comic book. I *did* however like some of the closeup shots of Virginia Mayo. She looked really quite dazzling in this.


The color was indeed quite vivid, but that's usually true with films that were made in the three-color Technicolor system. I prefer it to the bland, washed-out look of far too many contemporary films.


Overall, I liked the color, because I do appreciate the artistic accent it gives the entire movie. However, I couldn't help notice that it was super-freakishly unnaturally vivid in many of the scenes. That one guy with the blue jacket/sports coat sticks out as one example - he nearly glowed with a sickeningly grotesque shade of atomic nuclear royal blue! lol I wonder if modern technology couldn't "tweak" this movie's color module just a skosh, so as to tone it down a bit and make it look a bit more "normal"?



LOVE the overkill of color!

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