The Rosary

how often does anyone here say it?


I have said The Rosary off & on for a year.


Not enough, but I do notice when I am consistent with it there's much more peace and serenity in my life.



I believe its best and important to keep praying it [The Holy Rosary] and mediate on the mysteries daily. It gives us special protection from Mary and its a powerful weapon against evil.

Here are the 15 promises to those who recite the Rosary

Yep, daily is key! (i know daily might be difficult for some who are quite busy though but even with those people i would at least try to spend 5 minutes a day in prayer as almost no one is THAT busy to where they can't spare that little bit of time for prayer each day. that would be a good starting point for those who are quite busy.)

lets just say something took place from within me back in Nov 2013 (which was 3 months after i started praying The Holy Rosary daily) that was CLEAR proof to me, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that praying the The Holy Rosary daily really works.

without saying exactly what... it's tied to the 3rd promise of The Holy Rosary where it says the words 'Destroy Vice'. i was shocked when it happened and i still remain 100% free from it to this day. that surely boosts your faith in God as before that occurred i was going on blind faith but after that happened i know it was God's grace working within me as without that happening i was a slave to the vice as overcoming it on my own was impossible. i wished i took regular prayer more seriously years ago.

i doubt ill see anything that clear cut happen again as some stuff that happens in life etc you think maybe it was God or maybe it was just going to play out that way naturally. but in this particular case there is no doubt whatsoever for me given past experience as it was impossible to overcome on my own.

i still continue to pray The Holy Rosary daily. sadly, i think many Christians (even us Catholics) don't take regular prayer all that seriously (which is a big mistake as regular prayer gives you grace from God to help resist temptation/sin etc). ill admit i rarely prayed for many years though but not anymore. thank God (and Our Lady for her intercession before God for me).

but a lot of what i pray for i won't be able to see the results even though i know it's working given my experience there above.

it's no wonder St Pio (1887-1968) called The Holy Rosary his weapon ;)

some advice to people in general: don't rush praying The Holy Rosary, let it flow naturally at your own pace and just try your best to focus on the mysteries/prayer and Our Lady will do the rest. don't worry if you feel like you are not doing it right and your mind drifts etc (it happens, we are only human ;)) as just regroup and continue. just stick with it no matter what.

and remember... as they say prayer works slowly over a period of time (look at it in terms of months/years/decades (i know us humans are impatient and want results NOW but prayer does not work that way)) as you can't just pray when you need something etc and after you get it continue to do whatever you want and forget about God again and go back to not praying anymore. i think a lot of people are like that though (i am not judging them as i was kind of like that myself at one point(even if i was not, i still can't look down on them etc as God would not like that as i think that would be a form of pride on my part if i did that)) where if things are going great they kind of just go through their routine without thinking much about God but when things get rough then they turn to him. it's probably human nature though.

if i pray just the general Rosary that takes me about 30-35min (but i pray more than that and have been for a while now which takes me roughly 40-50 minutes to complete) as i heard some people saying it takes them about 15min or a bit longer and in my opinion that's too fast as at that speed you can't really focus to well (at least i can't, maybe they can?) and would seem like your just going-threw-the-motions.

with that said, i realize that there is no set time on praying The Holy Rosary as it takes however long it takes as it will likely vary a bit from person to person. but in my opinion 15-20min to pray it is a bit too quick.

also, i know they say it's good to pray The Holy Rosary with others etc, and i won't question that, but just for me personally i pray better alone as my focus etc is better. but when i pray alone i pray internally and not out loud as that's most comfortable for me. others may have a different opinion but i say go with whatever works best for you.

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I was raised in the pre-and-post Vatican II Church, and the Rosary was quite popular until (say) around 1966-onward, when the Social Gospel, Mass in the vernacular and other post-Conciliar developments surfaced. But prior to that time, my memories are full of Rosaries said in church, especially by old women during Mass, in the classroom (I had 12 years of Catholic "parochial" education), and in the many pre-funeral services I intended. I remember really respecting the patient Protestants in the family who would sit through a lot of Hail Marys, the last half of which prayer their theology simply could not accommodate ... and the "glitch" at the end of the Lord's Prayer, which in the Catholic verion cuts off at "and deliver us from evil", whereas the Protestants, following their version, would continue it with the "for Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, forever and ever", while the priest would slice right through it, as indeed he should have, as he moved into the next prayer cycle... And every Catholic home I knew of always had one if not many Rosaries for private home prayer as well as for official church functions - and every nun I saw carried a Rosary on or around her waist...
