MovieChat Forums > Limelight (1952) Discussion > What nationality is Calvero?

What nationality is Calvero?

His name sounds Italian or Spanish.


His name might be Italian or Spanish, but he's certainly born and raised in London.


He's English. I think the name is probably a stage name.

"There are three sides to every story: yours, mine, and the truth." ~ Robert Evans


Calvero is definitely not an italian name.

I never make mistakes. Once I thought I did, but I was wrong.


Even though it is not stated in the film, Calvero is probably not his birth name. Many artists of the vaudeville stage gave themselves musical stage names to attract the attention of the public. Others did it to change or hide their identites, or as a psychological means of escaping from their own grim pasts.

Note also that his first name is never mentioned in the film. If asked about it, the character would most assuredly have said, "I really can't remember."


The name most certainly IS Spanish, although I've never heard of anyone called like that.

From the Royal Spanish Academy Dictionary:

Calvero: Glade; clearing; Open place in a forest.
It seems to me like a symbolic name.


It's Chinese.


Calvero is a name belonging to the Wizard people.

Opinions are just onions with pi in them.


Wasn't he the bandit leader in The Magnificent Seven? 😉


Probably a stage name, he's english I'm sure.
