Not just a standard potboiler

I really enjoyed this one. Maybe I'm just a sucker for innocent, down and out characters forced into a rough situation ("Wages of Fear" is another favorite of mine.) It had it's flaws but I liked it better than many A movies.

A lot of doubts on this board about the villain's motivations and willingness to take the deal given. I think as others said, the lure of the money and their tough situation basically forces their hand. The only truly hard to believe moment is when they are willing to jump out of a moving truck instead of making a play for the money. I think Joe's motivations are pretty clear in that he wants revenge on the person who set him up. The fact that he whilling to take the risks he does shows the extent he feels he needs to go to find out who did it. Perhaps they should have played up the revenge angle a bit to make it more explicit.

I also felt this was no simple "Dick Tracy" plot like others suggested. The cops aren't fully good or bad in this one, and basically are the bad guys until they redeem themselves at the tend. I also liked the tension between the various robbers as they had to decide who they wanted to trust.

Finally, Jack Elam shows why he's a bit player in this one. He's a fantastic role player, but his acting really breaks down when he has to put it to the test. Regardless still loved seeing him in this flick.




All potboilers are standard.
