The movie Bowie knife

The knife used in the movie was loosely based on descriptions of Jim's carry weapon at the time (he owned/carried several knives in his adventurerous career).The studio then rented the knife out for Widmark's use in "The Alamo","The Last Command",the 'Jim Bowie' TV series,and Disneys "Davy Crockett"SERIES/MOVIE.tHE ORIGINAL DISAPPEARED,NO ONE HAS AN ACTUAL REPRO OF IT. wE DO HOWEVER have a loose description of his final blade. An earlier incarnation is on display (The Searles Bowie) at the Alamo,another at the state museum in Missippi.The Bowie knife passes into Americana legend/folklore. One of three major weapons of the frontier era-the Kentucky rifle,Colt revolver and the Bowie knife.
The movie w/Ladd is a somewhat understated version of James Bowie's wild ride through this mortal coil.HE DID TREAD THE TERRA !


As of January 2003, the knife used by Alan Ladd in "The Iron Mistress" was owned by a gentleman named Joe Musso. I cannot verify that Joe Musso made the knife, only that he owned it. You can have an almost identical copy made by Joe A. Yeates of Spring, Texas, who obtained the pattern from Joe Musso. Joe Yeates can probably tell you who made the original.


The knife was made by the studio prop dept. You are right that the knife is owned by Joseph Musso who aquired it from the studios after it had been used in other JB character films. Jo Musso is a collector of militaria of that period, Graphic artist for the studios and also an historian of that period.

The knife designed and made for the Iron Mistress is one of many similar designs that claim to be the one JB used. The one common factor of the design is that the curved edge was also sharpened. Joseph Musso also has a knife that is claimed to be nearer the design used by JB than any other and has been dated from that period. A copy of that particular knife was used in the film where Billy Bob Thornton played the part of JB in the latest film of the Alamo.


images of Joe Musso's collection of The Iron Mistress bowie knives:

"We deal in lead, friend."

