I finally saw it

I have heard about the film for most of my life. I would give it a 6.
Kane's involvement with Mrs. Ramirez mirrors real life, considering in the 20's, Gary was involved with Lupe Velez. The late musician David Crosby's dad worked on High Noon. Many of the performers and crew were affected by the "The Red Scare" in Hollywood after the film. In addition, the KKK protested the film. I really have to catch up on the classic films.


John Wayne was offered the role, but turned it down. Saying that a entire town cowering and not wanting to back the sheriff was unrealistic.

U.S. history pretty much sides with Wayne, as numerous examples in the history of the wild west exist of frontier towns banding together against outlaw gangs.


That is why I gave it a 6,interesting but lame movie.
