New Weekend TodayHost
Lester introduced his new co-host, Erica Hill, this morning & I was wondering if she was just replacing Amy Robach & only be on Saturdays or replacing Jenna on Sunday as well. So no sooner did that leave mind, Jenna Wolfe is shown at the news desk reporting!! The news desk? Really NBC?? And then she, Erics,Lester & the weather lady all have a kumbaya moment on the couch.
Now if indeed Jenna's being replaced, it kinda reminds me of a situation here in the DC Metro area. An anchor who did the 5pm M-F news was replaced by one who did the evening & night weekend newscasts. The M-F anchor was then delegated to the weekend gig. Many in town said this sucked & considered the weekend gig a demotion since M-F provided more exposure. Well lo & behold, during the storm, both were paired up together to do a broadcast. Talk about awkward.