MovieChat Forums > Today (1952) Discussion > Do they really drink in the morning?

Do they really drink in the morning?

I have heard many people comment recently on how Kathie Lee and Hoda drink alcohol in the morning and Kathie Lee appears to be under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol as of late. I happen to recall one morning seeing them drinking colorful "martinis" and listening to music but thought it was a skit. Does anyone have anything credible that relates to these rumors?


Not rumors at all. Yes, they're drinking and they talk about it. Don't forget, their "day" starts early in the a.m., and so by the time we see them they've been up for a while, and are theoretically in the middle of their working day.

Nothing wrong with it, really.

What's the diff between them tasting wine on the show, or having drinks, whem many people (normal values, normal habits) are brunching on mimosas, bloody marys, etc.? Just sayin'


It is a good thing I don't watch then. I don't care for the type of programming that is going to have two cackling drunk women talk over each other for an hour, to express their opinions on tedious and irrelevant topics. I'll stick with real broadcasting!

By the way, my day starts at 3:30 am but I don't throw back martinis at 8 or 9 am while still at work. Just sayin'


Yep -- I'm with you. I'm a former wall streeter (long commute, up at 5:15 am) and I didn't start drinking a few hours later either.

They've had many on air discussions about their drinking -- and of course, in defense of it!


Good for you former Wall Streeter! It's nice to know we're not alone! ;)


You people are so uptight...sheesh!


If I was Kathie Lee and had to look at Hoda every morning, I'll take a couple of belts of happy juice too!
