Your ALL TIME Favorites........

Lead Actress:

Lead Actor:

Supporting Actress:

Supporting Actor:

Younger Actress:

Younger Actor:



Favorite Character of all:





Exit from the show (character or couple):

Return to the show (character or couple):

Shocking Twist:


Year that you watched:


Lead Actress: Kim Zimmer

Lead Actor: Justin Deas

Supporting Actress: Laura Wright

Supporting Actor: Tom Pelphrey

Younger Actress: Stephanie Gatschet

Younger Actor: Tom Pelphrey

Villain: Edmund Winslow

Villaiess: Annie Dutton

Favorite Character of all: Edmund Winslow

Family: The Lewises

Triangle: Jeffrey/Cassie/Edmund

Recast: Bill Lewis

Set: Company

Exit from the show (character or couple): Tammy Winslow

Return to the show (character or couple): Jonthan Randall

Shocking Twist: Dinah killing Hart

Storyline: Edmund stealing Michelle's baby

Year that you watched: 1992


Lead Actress: Lisa Brown

Lead Actor: Michael Zaslow

Supporting Actress: Tina Sloan

Supporting Actor: Larry Gates

Younger Actress: Aubrey Dollar

Younger Actor: Bryan Buffington

Villain: Roger Thorpe

Villainess: Carmen Santos

Favorite Character of all: Alexandra Spaulding

Family: Bauer

Triangle: Mike - Elizabeth - Alan

Recast: Gina Tognoni

Set: Reardon Boarding House

Exit from the show (character or couple): Danny & Michelle

Return to the show (character or couple): Dinah Marler

Shocking Twist: Marion Crane/Brent Lawrence

Storyline: Ed Bauer's alcoholism

Year that you watched: Is that began watching? My earliest memories go back to 1966.

"Fortunately, I keep my feathers numbered for just such an emergency."


Lead Actress: Kim Zimmer, Crystal Chappell

Lead Actor: Robert Newman, Ron Raines, and Justin Deas

Supporting Actress:

Supporting Actor:

Younger Actress: Stephanie Gatschet, Brittany Snow (old Susan), & Lindsey Mckeon

Younger Actor: Tom Pelphrey, Bill Cosgrove, Marty West

Villain: Alan Spaulding

Villaiess: Carmen Santos.

Favorite Character of all: REVA

Family: Lewis and Cooper

Triangle: Josh Reva Cassie
Jonathan Tammy Sandy
Bill Lizzie Ava

Recast: Gina Tognoni

Set: Company

Exit from the show (character or couple): Tammy's death.

Return to the show (character or couple): Michelle and Danny, Dinah.

Shocking Twist: Reva cloned, Who Shot Phillip.

Storyline: Josh & Reva
Tammy and Jonathan

Year that you watched: 1996 - 2009


Your ALL TIME Favorites........

Lead Actress: Kim Zimmer

Lead Actor: Robert Newman

Supporting Actress: Laura Wright

Supporting Actor: Grant Aleksander

Younger Actress: Rebecca Budig (old Michelle)

Younger Actor: the one that played Bill before Ryan Brown

Villain: Roger Thorpe

Villaiess: Annie Dutton and Dinah Marler

Favorite Character of all: Reva

Family: Lewises and Bauers

Triangle: Dinah Hart Cassie



Exit from the show (character or couple): Michael Burke

Return to the show (character or couple): Reva, Dinah, and Phillip

Shocking Twist: clone

Storyline: Josh and Reva

Year that you watched: 1995-1999 (on a regular basis)

I love Jesus Christ and am 100% proud!


Lead Actress: Lisa Brown (Nola Reardon Chamberlain)

Lead Actor: Grant Alexander (Phillp Spaulding)

Supporting Actress: Crystal Chappell (Olivia Spencer)

Supporting Actor: Michael O'leary (Dr Rick Bauer)

Younger Actress: Marcy Rylan (Lizzie Spaulding)

Younger Actor: Tom Pelphrey (Jonathan Winslow)

Best Villian: Michael Zaslow (Roger Thorpe) Daytimes Best Villian Of All Time
Also: Benjamin Hendrickson ( SILASCROCKER)

Best Villianess: Cynthia Watros (Annie Dutton) AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!

Favorite Character of All Time: (This is a Hard One)
"Rita Stapleton Bauer" Played By Lenore Kasdorf

Favorite Family: The Bauers GL'S Core family, once the Bauers were no longer
the core, GL went down hill.

Best Triangle: Nola/Kelly/Morgan Written by Douglas Marland

Best Recast: Gina Tognoni (Dinah Marler)

Best Set: Bert Bauers Living Room (Cozy)

Best Exit From GL: Rogers Fall From SantoDomingo CliFF
Also Reva's Car Going Off Florida Keys Bridge

Best Return To GL: "DEAD" Roger Thorpe Falls from a Swinging Vine at
Phillp & Blakes wedding

Shocking Twist: 1= Sonni Lewis Took on Personality of Dead Twin Solita
2= Jennifer Richards/Alan Spaulding Are Amanda's Parents

Best Storyline: Roger Thorpe/Holly/Ed Bauer/Rita Bauer 1979-1980

The Years I Watched= 1979- 2009 (Every Episode)

Best Headwriter: (I added this One) Douglas Marland

Biggest Mistakes:

1= Getting Rid Of The Bauer Family
2=Hiring Ellen Wheeler
3=Hiring Ellen Weston as Headwriter (The Maryanne Carruthers Story)
4=The Santos Mob Bore
5= Reva The Clone
6= Reva The Time Travler
7= Reva Has ESP
8=Jeffrey O'Neil Comes To Springfield
10= Ignoring History: Marina suddenly Became Older Than Lizzie, Leah Bauer Aged But Kids Born Before Her Didn't Age
11= Peapack New Jersey,Shooting Outside
12=Turning The Spauldings Into Cartton Villains
13= Grady Foley


Your ALL TIME Favorites........

Lead Actress: Charita Bauer

Lead Actor: Grant Alexsander

Supporting Actress: Maeve Kinkead

Supporting Actor:Larry Gates

Younger Actress: Marcy Ryland

Younger Actor: John Driscoll

Villain: Ron Raines

Villianess: Gini Tognoni

Favorite Character of all: Charita Baeur and Bert

Family: The Bauers




Exit from the show (character or couple): jOSH AND REVA RIDE INTO THE SUNSET

Return to the show (character or couple): PHILIP COMES HOME



Year that you watched: 1983


Your ALL TIME Favorites........

Lead Actress: Beverlee McKinsley

Lead Actor: Michael Zaslow

Supporting Actress: Maureen Garrett

Supporting Actor: Jay Hammer

Younger Actress: Aubrey Dollar

Younger Actor: Tom Pelphery

Villain: Roger Thorpe

Villaiess: Susan Piper

Favorite Character of all: Dinah (Wendy Moniz)

Family: Reardons

Triangle: Brigitte/Hart/Julie

Recast: Alexandra

Set: Ross's Cottage

Exit from the show (character or couple): Maureens' Death

Return to the show (character or couple): Roger Thorpe

Shocking Twist: Brent Lawrence/Marion Crane

Storyline: Diane Ballards Murder

Year that you watched:1979-80 to the end


Your ALL TIME Favorites........

Lead Actress:Maureen Bauer/Reva Shayne

Lead Actor: 'the Zas'

Supporting Actress: Reva Shayne/Maureen Bauer

Supporting Actor:Justin Deas

Younger Actress: Harley Cooper Davidson

Younger Actor: 2nd Alan Michael

Villain: Roger Thorpe

Villaiess: Alexandra Spaulding

Favorite Character of all:Beverley Mckinseys "Alex"

Family: Spauldings

Triangle: Josh/Sonny-Solida/was Reva involved?

Recast: Marj Dusay, can't think of anyone else

Set: Revabend

Exit from the show (character or couple): Beverley McKinsey's Alex

Return to the show (character or couple):Philip

Shocking Twist:Marian Crane kills Nadine Cooper

Storyline: the one that got me hooked. Simon claiming to be a Spaulding!

Year that you watched: 1986-1998


A man is the sum of his memories,a Time Lord even more so

five doctors


Your ALL TIME Favorites........

Lead Actress: Kim Zimmer/Beverlee McKinsey

Lead Actor: Michael Zaslow

Supporting Actress: Sherry Stringfield

Supporting Actor: Michael O'Leary

Younger Actress: Joy Lenz

Younger Actor: Tom Pelphry

Villaiess: Annie Dutton

Favorite Character of all: HB Lewis

Family: Reardon Family

Triangle: Annie/Reva/Josh;

Recast: The Mindy's (With the exception of the one nobody remembers!)

Set: Company/The Boarding House

Exit from the show (character or couple): The way they dismissed Michael Zaslow/Roger Thorpe

Return to the show (character or couple): The multiple returns of Roger Thorpe

Shocking Twist: So many through the years... That they REALLY KILLED Maureen. YOU BROKE MY HEART!!!

Storyline: I loved many storylines through the years (Disliked a lot too)... Bridget being "kept" in the attic while she was pregnant with Peter, Nadine faking her pregnancy, and Maureen dying.

Year that you watched: 1979-Till the End!

