Best Villian: Michael Zaslow (Roger Thorpe) Daytimes Best Villian Of All Time Also: Benjamin Hendrickson ( SILASCROCKER)
Best Villianess: Cynthia Watros (Annie Dutton) AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite Character of All Time: (This is a Hard One) "Rita Stapleton Bauer" Played By Lenore Kasdorf
Favorite Family: The Bauers GL'S Core family, once the Bauers were no longer the core, GL went down hill.
Best Triangle: Nola/Kelly/Morgan Written by Douglas Marland
Best Recast: Gina Tognoni (Dinah Marler)
Best Set: Bert Bauers Living Room (Cozy)
Best Exit From GL: Rogers Fall From SantoDomingo CliFF Also Reva's Car Going Off Florida Keys Bridge
Best Return To GL: "DEAD" Roger Thorpe Falls from a Swinging Vine at Phillp & Blakes wedding
Shocking Twist: 1= Sonni Lewis Took on Personality of Dead Twin Solita 2= Jennifer Richards/Alan Spaulding Are Amanda's Parents
Best Storyline: Roger Thorpe/Holly/Ed Bauer/Rita Bauer 1979-1980
The Years I Watched= 1979- 2009 (Every Episode)
Best Headwriter: (I added this One) Douglas Marland
Biggest Mistakes:
1= Getting Rid Of The Bauer Family 2=Hiring Ellen Wheeler 3=Hiring Ellen Weston as Headwriter (The Maryanne Carruthers Story) 4=The Santos Mob Bore 5= Reva The Clone 6= Reva The Time Travler 7= Reva Has ESP 8=Jeffrey O'Neil Comes To Springfield 9=Josh/Cassie 10= Ignoring History: Marina suddenly Became Older Than Lizzie, Leah Bauer Aged But Kids Born Before Her Didn't Age 11= Peapack New Jersey,Shooting Outside 12=Turning The Spauldings Into Cartton Villains 13= Grady Foley
Recast: The Mindy's (With the exception of the one nobody remembers!)
Set: Company/The Boarding House
Exit from the show (character or couple): The way they dismissed Michael Zaslow/Roger Thorpe
Return to the show (character or couple): The multiple returns of Roger Thorpe
Shocking Twist: So many through the years... That they REALLY KILLED Maureen. YOU BROKE MY HEART!!!
Storyline: I loved many storylines through the years (Disliked a lot too)... Bridget being "kept" in the attic while she was pregnant with Peter, Nadine faking her pregnancy, and Maureen dying.