Bridget Reardon days

Remember when Bridget was a wild child when she first came to Springfield to live with Ed and Maureen? She once had a jerky boyfriend named Elvis who tried to get her to steal narcotics from the hospital where she worked. I recall since she was mad at her relative's strict rules, she agreed to help Elvis rob her home and run away, but it backfired and Elvis and another female cohort was arrested. I remember Maureen gave Bridget hell for her part, and Bridget had to earn her aunt and Ed's respect again. Does anyone recall how the robbery went downhill? Besides Matt, did any of Bridget's younger siblings appear on the show? I recall there were 6 kids. I know their parents appeared briefly. Did Bridget and Matt ever forgive their father for cheating on their mom when they were kids? Their mom never found out, but Matt confronted his dad about it years later, and Bridget overheard it. That was a trip when she confronted Julie about sleeping with Hart the day before her wedding, in front of her guests as she was speaking her vows to Reva's eldest son( I just forgot his name, but he was a really nice guy). Dylan I think was his name. He was Billy and Reva's kid. Did Bridget's son Peter ever appear on the show as a teenager before GL was cancelled?
