'City of Widows'

This episode is based on the story of a real mining town, DeLamar, Nevada. The main character of the show is even named Delamar. The town itself was known as "The Widow Maker" because of the high proportion of miners who died of a form of miner's lung.

I've done a lot of research on this present day ghost town, and I was completely surprised to find out that there was a television episode that was based on its story. I would really love to see this episode (obtain a copy if possible) but I don't know if it is available anywhere.

If someone knows where I could get a copy, or find the episode on the web, I would be eternally grateful. If you happen to have a copy of it in your private collection, I would be pleased to pay you for your costs (as well as your time) for making a copy.

Can anyone help me? Thanks

"He was running around like a rooster in a barnyard full of ducks."--Pat Novak
