Did Randall ever get paid?
I must not have paid much attention, but I don't remember he being paid for his courier service.
Is this a foolish question?
Enrique Sanchez
I must not have paid much attention, but I don't remember he being paid for his courier service.
Is this a foolish question?
Enrique Sanchez
We don't see him actually get paid but I assumed the money he was burning to light his cigarette in the restaurant was his payment.
shareOhhhhh you're so right!! Look at what was under my nose! THANKS...
Enrique Sanchez
It's a good question. Randall kept asking for his money and when Hendron kept putting him off, the first thing that came to my mind was, "This guy's going to get stiffed". The second thought was Randall should have kept the key to the case and said, "Give me my money, and I'll give you the key". Even when, in the very next scene, Randall is lighting his cigarettes with burning money, it's not really clear that he ever got paid.
Then, Hendron makes a big deal with Stanton over refusing the money with the conditions that Stanton wants.
It seems like the whole "Where's my money?" exchange was there for some point, but what it might have been, I have no idea. Maybe it was to show that Hendron (and anyone with any sense) should think that money means little in the grand scheme of things, another one of those 'messages' that many of George Pal's movies seem to want to send.
GOOD points there, Rogue! It really isn't clear at all, yet we might assume he did get paid by the burning money...
I do believe that one message could have been: "when things get tough like this, money is immaterial" perhaps? But why even offer the money in payment for this safekeeping?
Then of course, money lost all it's meaning when they arrived on the new planet.
Enrique Sanchez