Great film but the Carousel?
Great film but the Carousel?
Don't read this if you haven't seen the movie and are planning to watch it.
I watched this again recently after many years and was totally enthralled until the ending sorta spoiled it for me. I have looked at quite a few other posts and it doesn't seem to be mentioned.
The whole Carousel scene was great (although the pay off where, it seems, the only person to get killed was the bad guy was all a bit too convenient). But, putting that aside, the bit that really spoiled it for me was when Guy jumps onto the Carousel and a cop fires a shot at him and kills the ride operator, thereby setting the scene for the final climax. OK, spin back there -the cop fires a shot at a Carousel loaded with people, which naturally included loads of kids? Even with the best will (and aim) in the world, this was a ridiculous thing to do. Surely cops were more responsible than that, even back in the fifties? And surely, Hitch, with his devious and inventive mind, could have engineered a better plot device than that.
It's strange that when I make posts like this, I think to myself: 'What am I saying. Who the hell do I think I am to question the film making or plots of an undoubted and celebrated Master of suspense and film making in general? How many blockbuster movies have I made?'
But, the fact remains: I thought that plot device was very annoying and unsatisfactory, trying to choose my words carefully with regard to the above comments.
My wife suggested that audiences were less sophisticated back then. So how the hell did they enjoy or cope with All About Eve, just one example of many cerebral and 'sophisticated' movies of its day?
There can be no true beauty without decay.