Neros fiddle?

Wasn't Nero supposed to play the fiddle as Rome burned? Here he doesn't do much of anything except touch his lute a few times then continue to rave like that madman he is.

Any thoughts?


Well the supposed Nero fiddle-playing is more apocryphal than anything and the filmmakers did give a nod to it by having Nero touching a lute during the fire scene. Throughout the movie he was shown playing it and singing songs he had composed (both terrible!) to establish his supposed historical ability to play a musical instrument.


Actually Nero's instrument was a lyre. Like the violin/fiddle, the lute did not exist in Nero's time.


That's right, an earlier form of stringed instrument that was plucked or strummed with a pick (plectrum) like a guitar.


Ah, that makes more sense. Thanks much.


Fiddle's roughly 10th C, and evolved from the lute. But "Nero luted while Rome burned" lacks resonance.

All I say is, kings is kings and you got to make allowances.


That's right. Nero's instrument was a lyre, which was the top instrument at the time and what most soloists used. Poets, musicians had been reciting/singing while playing a lyre since the time of the ancient Greeks. Homer who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey (and mentioned in this movie) used a lyre. The Muse of music used a lyre (or invented it) as did Apollo the god of the sun and music.

Nero thought he was a great musician but also a great actor. He not only forced people to hear him recite poetry he wrote or music he wrote (which by most accounts was bad/lousy) but he also enjoyed appearing in public as an actor in plays in amphitheaters. This was seen as being vulgar by the upper class Romans and some thought he was perverse by appearing in public as he did with commoners but Nero thought himself more of an artist type. Nero was a megalomaniac. He thought he was a great architect, musician, poet, lover, emperor, god, etc, when he was just a crazy, cruel, sadistic pyschopath


The fiddle or Violin didn't exist then. Violins first appeared in the 16th Century AD.
